Dittman Health and Fitness had its humble beginnings in the spring of 2016 when I passed the NASM Certified Personal Trainer exam. I immediately started working part-time in various settings as a trainer including in campus rec, in-home, corporate gyms, group exercise, and online. I’ve worked with clients of all ages ranging from teen athletes to people in their 80s. I decided along the way I wanted to incorporate nutrition in the mix, seeing how it influences health and fitness in a big way. So, I enrolled in Youngstown State University’s Coordinated Program in Dietetics, where I graduated in 2020. I had many experiences during my internship including a year of clinical rotations as well as food service management, community nutrition, and long term care. I passed my RD exam in 2021 and have worked as a clinical RD in a hospital setting as well as counseling clients through my private practice. While the services and products have changed over the years, one thing remains constant; my mission to help as many people as possible achieve true health that is sustainable for life.
Our Team
While listed as a single member LLC and operated by me, everything you see on this site, any product or service you buy, or any video or post you see online has been run by the real boss – my wife Stephanie. So shout out to her as being part of the team. If you want to learn more about me and my health and fitness journey, click on my name below: